Friday, November 16, 2012

While watching the news...

*WARNING-PUBLIC SERVICE RANT* Pretty sure this is all in Revelations ( don't kick me on the bible reference) sad :-(....we just gotta live life , everything's in God's hands ( for those who believe in such thing.), and not worry so much about politics,whether we all have the same religious views, and if we're getting paid enough. If the world is gonna go to war...we need to just live. Enjoy everything you're given, take the opportunities you can, but don't bash others, there's no point to it. If there are multiple countries under nuclear threat with other never know how far the taking advantage of power can get and may lead to eventually destroying the little bit of humanity we have left.Why the insight all of a sudden??? Because I have a breaking point. I'm a very patient person...but with all the bashing after the election by so called "Christians" fighting one another coming from the states...and all the protesting here....I break.The other day I was talking to someone who had just visited Cuba. The people admit that life is horrible but are grateful for the little advantages they have.They have no food to eat today, but a free education in hopes of a different future ( dont you dare compare that to the Chilean strikes bc I have yet to meet a Chilean INVOLVED with the protests..bc there's a difference...that doesn't eat 3 meals a day). There is tons of danger at night, but are happy they have a house to keep them safe.  They are " happy " people. They live their lives day to day.Then you look at the people of Chile that have an economy better that many, and everyday someone is complaining about something to get the masses behind them and "fight". Then you have the U.S where there's already so much hate, and those who should be the BRINGERS of peace..aka, Christians, are the ones making the biggest divide by trying to separate their state just because they're unhappy with an election result and others making sure their hatred for "liberals" is blatantly shown. People are ridiculous. Which is why I 1- have no political party ( I believe in whats right for humanity and is logical...parties only make you have to chose the person who's right not the idea that is right) 2-Am an open minded Christian. I Chose to live life based on the teachings of the bible and the philosophy Jesus tried to pass along, bu which so unfortunately has been thrown out because they're too "new age" and "greek".Therefore I live my life based to how I think He'd prefer, know that I'm a sinner and accept everyone. EVERYONE and TRY to not pass judgement..which is extremely hard as this rant is full of judgement. 3-Opinion is Opinion, nothing to be taken personally. I enjoy a healthy debate, because it is the only way to learn not only about others, but a lot about oneself, but I keep opinion separate from personal emotions toward someone. Onions don't change, no one is wrong unless they put themselves above everyone else. I think I shall put this all on my blog now. This rant is perhaps done. Tis now time to workout, get so fresh and so clean clean, teach some little girls brass instruments, later play my own brass instrument in a concert and al fin, head to san fernando withe Orquesta de Puente Alto. Taking a deep breath and releasing all the negativity. Have a good day everyone!!!!

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