Monday, August 2, 2010

....she wishes her life was more like a movie...

Life is like a movie, at least that's how I've always viewed it. The only difference? You rarely get the cheesy happy ending, but is this really a bad thing? I grew up in an old one screen- twenties style- movie theater watching plot after plot on the HUGE screen in front of me.I've grown to love movies, enveloping myself into a good story, but where do you think the writers got these stories? Most likely you relate to a character that reminds you of yourself, or love a movie because you've had some part of the storyline occur in your own life...or in my case...had a feeling it would occur. The current one I'm in at the moment is interesting and we'll see where it goes, but it made me laugh the other day when I started thinking about the current story and realized that it really was some story plot...except I'm hoping ( and am pretty sure) no one will end up dead at the end of this one.Haha. I just find it interesting to compare life to a movie. So many people complain about life being uninteresting, boring, but in all actuality every day can be turned into something entertaining if you let it.
Take a pretty, sunny day in Santiago. Walk around with your classmates running a random errand. Walk to the metro with friends....and you've got yourself a nice scene in a never ending movie.
The way I see it, life has different chapters. Every chapter has an ending...but if they were all happy there would be no point, correct? Therefore enjoy the delightful scenes, scandalous adventures, and soak in the disappointment just so in the end when Happiness appears in a bubble you can take it for what its worth.

What are some of your fav life scenes....miniseries?

With that in mind...I shall leave you with a lovely video by midtown ( mmm gabe saporta....)

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