Everyday I wake up....make my bed, eat breakfast, workout for about 2 hours , shower, clean the house, eat lunch,randomness til about 4 when I practice and If I have any homework I let that take over around 7...
But today I rebel. Not even going to make my bed, which if you know me that's a HUGE part of my day...if my bed's not made, I dont feel complete. I think I'm ok with that for today. I'm fine with not working out seeing that I haven't really been able to eat for the past several days therefore not many calories to burn in the first place, haha....I've studied my solfege enough this week and I'll probably still practice ,but other than that?...something is calling my name.
Patricio, one of the guys I live with, wrote me on facebook several minutes ago where he then proceeded to inform that they had left something connected...THE Wiiiiii.
Some things just trigger happiness. Lately it's been working out. For the past several weeks I've had this horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach so I'd workout just to release whatever negative energy was plaguing me. At the moment I just need a happy memory from before things began changing.
What I mean by that is that at one point I let High School into my life. I was always blessed with zero drama in high school and no manipulation, this changed when I began allowing those with that high school mentality ( the EXTREME need for attention, the need to continuously play the victim in drama, the need to never grow up..because one can have some of these traits,but there's a limit) to enter my life,which I would say started around Junior year. A lot of us allowed these people into our lives, and unfortunately you could see the slow change amongst our group of friends due to this.
I'm not saying Spring semester Sophomore year was peachy, I will always call that my semester of hell but it wasn't for social reasons really, mostly academic. Spring semester of that year was when Jason and Kristie lived about 20 seconds from the PAC and we'd spend endless hours playing Wii sports and that monkey game Krystle obsessed over ( which I'll have to admit was rather amusing.)It was during this time Krystle, Kristie and I would sit on the stoop for about an hour debating on where to go eat, many times eventually deciding to go nowhere...unless Stephanie was around where she would then get fed up with us and just make a decision, which then meant we'd argue as to who would drive,haha. That was the most drama outside of your typical frat talk.
This was the semester that homecoming started right after the future Kappa Class' rush dinner on Friday (where Karnbach tried to make the entire group uncomfortable...including Todd's father) and lasted til perhaps 7 am of that following Sunday morning. My favorite homecoming to date. The Wii played a big part, of course. Jason and Kristie's was full of random groups of people walking in and out, including Lil John strolling in with his beverage of choice in hand , stealing a wii mote, and somehow DOMINATING whatever game we were playing. This feeling of just chilling with a group of people you enjoyed being around , telling stories and listening to them,wondering how in the world Lil John just beat us all, will always be calm and relaxing memory for me.
One of my first memories with the Wii occured just a week before, when Todd Worsham entered our lives. Rush week of Spring o7...what are you to do when just one person shows up? Drag him to Kristie's and play Wii. Talk about a funny sight. I was talking to Todd earlier today and mentioned the fact I'd be playing some Wii Golf, his initial reaction? " Hiiiiii-yah!"
There was about three years where I allowed drama into my life, trusted several people with characteristics I saw not admirable yet decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.I can finally say, whether they know it or not, I'm rid of these people . It's a nice feeling, and bringing up memories like these remind me why I appreciate the people still in my life. It's nice to associate so many things with memories, it can be a huge burden at times, but for every bad memory I have at least 3 good memories that I adore :-)
What are some random memories of yours ?
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