Second post of the day...so instead of being philosophical I shall just type. Sometimes I do wonder if one day I'm going to look back on posts and think " wow..that was a lot of B.S." or..."oooo shouldnt have written that." But oh well. Tis life. I actually like the fact how I dont really set out to discuss something, I just let whatever is taking over run its course...tis fun.
So today was nice...freezing, but nice. I know the complaining about the cold may be getting a little annoying....but, it happens. It started a little patchy seeing that I was 20 minutes late for class...Wednesday morning are the worst! haha Public transportation is a huge cage fight of cattle...best way to explain it.Despite my tardiness class was fun, still having to work on the melodic dictation :-X..but It's getting there. We started harmonic intervals today. YAY!
Tomorrow will be exciting. I'm suppose to go with my cousin to look at an apartment. Don't get me wrong, I'm really liking where I am now. The guys are UBER nice. I just enjoy doing things completely on my own. That little ounce of freedom. We're all just little kids desperately wanting to be grown ups. Right?I'm just really excited, it makes things official if I get my own place. Nice feeling.
maybe then I wont be online as much and then I can buy my weeeights!!I really miss getting a good workout. I wish I would've realized when I was younger that I'm internally an athletic person, haha. But I'm ok with being the music geek I've become.
And this is my mind just rambling.
and my left ear is burning :-(....boooo
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