Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The fight being worth the valor

There are some people who have to fight their entire lives, go against what they're told they can't do and negative vibes caused by bitterness and pure bad luck. I was thinking about this after I had an amazing lesson . Last week I had a horrible performance experience, which may have cost me a scholarship, because I let a witch, along with her streams of lies, engulf my mind to the breaking point.Though I finally put myself together, I may have damaged something in consequence. Later that week I was told about an ugly accusation on false terms made towards me by someone I respected, this just lowered my self esteem. The weekend was full of bad decisions on my part just try to forget that perhaps I had messed up once again, but then new week started. I picked up my Alberto and just played. Spent some time with some amazing musicians/friends during and after rehearsals and allowed myself to trust my playing. On Tuesday we had an amazing concert ( now..I didn't say perfect...but the atmosphere was amazing, all good vibes and smiles) and today I had the best lesson I've had since I've been in Chile. My professor told me something that made me realize that I need to not listen to those negative people, and just play like I know how, not to sike myself out. 

On my way home I thought, this is worth all the pain. I have friends out there who are going through even worse situations but they are pushing their ways through it. Some of the closest people in my life are questioning so many things while others are taking what has been thrown at them and fighting it with strength. These are the people I admire most. I am reminded I am not the only one who has to fight for what they want and that if these people can have so much strength through extreme times, I can too. 

I say this because there are those who appreciate nothing in their life. They don't realize how easy are the cards they've been given and just live life as if its a game, stressing if a fly is sitting on their nose. They live a false life, one with no substance. It can also be said tho this is all by perception. What I might find as resovlable problem may seem impossible to someone else. It is all based on how we've lived our lives...either by the luck of the draw or how God has wanted us to live it ( another idea based on perception.) It just has me thinking. How would life have been if I had taken an easier route? And, Are obstacles such as misunderstandings and negative thinking put into our lives to make us appreciate the outcome of our hardwork? 

Oh well. Life never stops, there shall always be something to ponder over. If not, it would be rather boring, now wouldnt it?

Discuss if you'd like. Always interested to hear other opinions. 

Monday, April 16, 2012

I dare you to read this.

Some people are poison and only the weak succumb. I know where I stand and have no fear. I too can play with fire, the only difference? I have truth on my side, threats have no meaning to me.